I was lucky to meet BARÚ' s marketing person at Venuez. And was very happy to receive an email with beautiful pictures in it. Some were quite a challence... but I really wanted to give it a try.
I mean, if you look at their website and Facebook, you immediately fall in love, right?
It's c h o c o l a t e baby! And m a r s h m e l l o w s! Listen to this: fleur de sel caramel marshmellows covered with dark chocolate...
But they also have chocolate powder with fluffy marshmellows in it.

All chocolate and marshmellows are handmade with love in lovely packaging...

So, it was a honour to make these stamps. After they received them, they posted a picture of the stamps on their Facebook with the text that they're adorable and they need more ink!
And I answered that if they need volunteers testing their new products...I hereby register :>)
Okay...this was my most challenging stamp ever, tiny and lots of details...
I think I held my breath most of the time while making this one :>)

This is their logo

And this hippo with birdy made me smile. They are going to make hippo chocolates. Oh my. Too cute.

And this is how the three stamps worked out...stampside


the delivery box...


  1. Wow Steef wat mooi! Knap hoor!!! Blij te zien dat het zo goed gaat:-) XX

  2. Petje af voor dat aapje, schitterend!

  3. Jeetje, die spaken van dat wiel! Wat knap zeg. En wat een leuke stempels zijn het geworden. Ze zullen blij zijn.

  4. Dank je wel :-)
    @ Lucy: de spaken heb ik met een mesje gedaan, dat lukte me niet goed met een guts. Is even wennen, maar als je die truc eenmaal doorhebt, is het best makkelijk om af en toe toe te passen!

  5. errug goed gelukt! fijn dat je nu weer mag doorademen :)
